Our Lady of the Hills, Council #5959. All men of the Parish over the age of 18 are welcome to join. The Knights are a Catholic, fraternal, pro-family, service organization supporting the church, the Parish, the clergy and the community. Meetings are held on the second and fourth Mondays of the month at 7:30 pm in the Parish Center. Click here to visit our website for further information and calendar of upcoming events.
To join the Blessed Sacrament Knights of Columbus council, click here for the application. Enter 5959 in the Preferred Local Council field and Blessed Sacrament Church in the Church Parish Name field and Martinsville in the Church Parish City field and select NJ in the state field.
Membership is free for the first year by entering the Promo Code shown on the screen and clicking the Add button.
Council #5959 awards scholarships to qualified high school seniors who are related to active council #5959 members. Please go to the Knights of Columbus website for the application.