Congratulations on the birth of your child! Our parish community is praying for you as you prepare to baptize your child in the faith.
Arrangements for baptism are made in advance by completing the online registration form found below. First-time parents are asked to attend one pre-Baptism class scheduled through the parish office. Godparents must have a letter indicating they are Catholics in good standing. One non-Catholic may be accepted as a Christian witness. Baptisms are celebrated twice a month, 2nd and 4th weekends, at a 1:00 PM ceremony. Please see the parish calendar for Baptism dates. All paperwork must be submitted prior to the baptism taking place.
In order to receive a certificate of eligibility to be a sponsor for Baptism or Confirmation, you must be a practicing Catholic. who is fully initiated into the Catholic Church. One of the main aspects of a practicing Catholic is regular attendance at Mass on Sundays and Holy Days.